Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pump, pump, pump it up.

"I think you should have a date, you have nice handwriting." Says JJ, in response to the note I left him that said "Dear JJ. Thank you for building that pumptrack. It has provided me hours of enjoyment. Have a lovely day. Sincerely, Amy."

So we've obviously been having fun at the pumptrack lately. DH bike has a broken fork and my pumptrack bike fork is barely holding it together, but when you can't ride the park it has to do. This time we were playing a little closer to the village. And I obviously still suck at flash, and my remote trigger stopped working, so I had a buddy press the trigger for the shots of me.

As it stands, none of us seem to be ambiturners.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Wow so I guess I haven't had a lot of time to shoot photos lately. Either that or I'm riding my bike too much. Let's blame the latter. The only solution to the problem is to do both at the same time. Easier said than done, especially when the remote trigger decides to stop working.

That's me in the blue pants, bike gang sister Johanna in the blue hoodie, hmmm, blue must be our gang color. Watch out Crips.