Thursday, May 14, 2009

That was Product-ive.

We had an assignment to do some product shots for school. Our instructor had this really epic/fancy setup that he showed us, complete with a fancy black synthetic surface to shoot on, and a table-top mini studio... OR a massive scrim tilted 45 degrees away from a big window, all of which I don't have at home.

So, being the thrifty daughter of a home economist that I am, I got creative. I stopped by Home Hardware to buy some veneer (wood, black or otherwise) to shoot on. They had none. They did, however, have white sticky drawer liner. It was sold in a 9' roll for $6. How could I resist?

I had to move fast because the assignment was due the next day and I was quickly running out of daylight. I figured I could use the drawer liner as both a scrim and surface to shoot on. I ended up sticking one half to a table that I placed in front of my window, and stuck the long end up the window (so it ended up like a studio backdrop would look, but miniature sized.)

Thank heavens for photoshop, because I was getting raindrop shadows on my background and tiny bubbles on the 'ground,' as it were.

Here they are:

A necklace, shot with daylight

My Grandpa's (my) 1955 Leica M3

I won't quit my day job, but if I need to sell stuff on Ebay, I may use that again.

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